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Pacific Oceanic Units operate almost exclusively as Non-Surveillance Procedural Sectors.

Refer to Procedural Separation Standards for more information.

Transition Altitudes

Name Transition Altitude Transition Level
KZAK - Oakland Oceanic 18,000ft FL180
YBBB - Brisbane Oceanic 10,000ft FL110
AGGG - Honiara FIR 11,000ft FL120
ANAU - Nauru FIR 11,000ft FL120
YMMM - Melbourne Oceanic 10,000ft FL110
NZZO - Auckland Oceanic 13,000ft FL150
NZCM - McMurdo Oceanic 19,500ft FL200
NFFF - Nadi Oceanic 11,000ft FL130
NTTT - Tahiti Oceanic 9,000ft By ATC


Standard Altimeter setting (29.92 inHg/1013 hPa) should be used when more than 100 nm from McMurdo.


Auckland Oceanic airspace does not have a transition layer, except within the Rarotonga, Samoa and Norfolk Island QNH zones.

Aircraft within Auckland Oceanic airspace should use the standard altimeter setting of 1013 hPa unless within the aforementioned QNH zones.


Remember that some cruising levels above the transition level are unavailable when the Area QNH is below 1013. Refer to AIP ENR 1.7 for more information.

HF Radio

Simulated HF radio is used as the primary long-range radio communications medium. The nature of HF radio makes it highly vulnerable to atmospheric distortion and noise, and so radiotelephony (R/T) procedures on HF tend to be more formal in order to maximise clarity.


UAL873: "San Francisco Radio, San Francisco Radio, UAL873 on 122.5"
ZAK_FSS: "UAL873, San Francisco Radio, go-ahead"
UAL873: "San Francisco Radio, UAL873 request climb FL390"


Given the background noise level experienced on HF radio frequencies, flight crews usually prefer to turn down the audio level of their HF receiver. SELCAL uses a unique 4-letter code for each aircraft (eg. QR-AC) transmitted over the communications frequency to sound an alert for the flight crew.

Controllers must check each aircraft’s flight plan for a discrete SELCAL code. If aircraft have nominated a discrete code (for example QR-AC), then a SELCAL Check shall be completed.


TSN: "ANZ254, standby SELCAL check."
The aircraft awaits the SELCAL check before replying.
ANZ254: "SELCAL check OK, ANZ254."
TSN: "ANZ254, report estimate BOTGU."

After the SELCAL check has been completed, controllers must preface all communications to that aircraft with a SELCAL prompt.

Position Reports

A Position Report will contain the following elements:

  • Callsign
  • Position & Time
  • Flight level
  • Next position and time over
  • Ensuing significant point
  • Specified Speed (if assigned)


If after making a position report an estimate has changed by more than 2 minutes, the new estimate shall be passed to ATC.

If an aircraft fails to report its position within 3 minutes of its estimated time, controllers must attempt to establish contact with that aircraft and obtain a position report.

ATC shall acknowledge a position report by using the aircraft's callsign. A readback of the report is not required.


UAL873: "San Francisco Radio, San Francisco Radio, UAL873 Position"
ZAK_FSS: "UAL873, San Francisco Radio"
UAL873: "UAL873 position LHI time 1853, FL360, estimate PANDA at 1953, SANDO next. Maintaining Mach 0.84”
ZAK_FSS: "UAL873, San Francisco Radio, Copied Position"

Simulator Time Compression

Due to the length of most oceanic crossings, some pilots may elect to use time compression to speed up their cruise segment. Controllers should accommodate this request where possible.


Time compression is not available within 20 minutes of a domestic sector.

Aircraft using time compression must be assigned the following levels for separation with other traffic:

Sim Rate Eastbound Westbound
2x FL390 FL380
4x FL410 FL400


Aircraft at normal speed always have priority over aircraft using Time Compression.


Between Pacific Oceanic Units

As per Standard coordination procedures, Voiceless, no changes to route or CFL within 15 mins to boundary.

To Other Units

As per Standard coordination procedures, Heads-up Coordination required for all aircraft prior to 30 mins from boundary.


IND -> FAJO FSS: "Estimate, SAA281, XEKOT time 44, F360"
FAJO FSS -> IND: "SAA281, F360"