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Rockhampton (YBRK)


Name Callsign Frequency Login Identifier
Rockhampton ADC Rocky Tower 118.100 RK_TWR
Rockhampton SMC Rocky Ground 121.800 RK_GND
Rockhampton ATIS 128.500 YBRK_ATIS


RK ADC is responsible for the Class D airspace in the RK CTR SFC to A010.

RK ADC Airspace

Refer to Class D Tower Separation Standards for more information.



Auto Release

'Next' coordination is not required to RKA for aircraft that are:
a) Departing from a runway nominated on the ATIS; and
b) Assigned the standard assignable level; and
c) Assigned a Procedural SID


RK ADC -> RKA: "Next, VJE"
RKA -> RK ADC: "VJE, Track Extended Centreline, Unrestricted"
RK ADC -> RKA: "Track Extended Centreline, VJE"

The TCU controller can suspend/resume Auto Release at any time, with the concurrence of RKA.

The Standard Assignable level from MK/RK ADC to MKA/RKA is the lower of A060 or the RFL.


The controller assuming responsibility of SMC shall give heads-up coordination to RKA controller prior to the issue of the following clearances:

  • VFR Departures
  • Aircraft using a runway not on the ATIS


RKA will heads-up coordinate arrivals/overfliers from Class C to RK ADC.
IFR aircraft will be cleared for the coordinated approach (Instrument or Visual) prior to handoff to RK ADC, unless RK ADC nominates a restriction.
VFR aircraft require a level readback.


RKA -> RK ADC: "Via SARUS for the visual approach, VJN”
RK ADC -> RKA: "VJN, visual approach"