Brisbane TCU
Name | ID | Callsign | Frequency | Login ID |
Brisbane Approach North | BAN | Brisbane Approach | 124.700 | BN_APP |
Brisbane Approach South | BAS | Brisbane Approach | 125.600 | BN-S_APP |
Brisbane Departures North | BDN | Brisbane Departures | 133.450 | BN_DEP |
Brisbane Departures South | BDS | Brisbane Departures | 118.450 | BN-S_DEP |
Gold Coast Approach | BAC | Brisbane Approach | 123.500 | BN-C_APP |
Brisbane Flow | BFL | BN_FMP |
Non-Standard Positions
Non-standard positions may only be used in accordance with VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy.
Approval must be sought from the bolded parent position prior to opening a Non-Standard Position, unless NOTAMs indicate otherwise (eg, for events).
The Vertical limits of the BN TCU are SFC
to F180
, except in BAC airspace, where it is SFC
to A075
in the North West, and SFC
to F125
in the South East.
AF CTR reverts to Class G when AF ADC is offline, and is administered by the relevant BN TCU controller.
See also: AF ADC Offline.
If BN TCU elects not to provide top-down to YBCG, The CG CTR Class C airspace SFC
to A035
reverts to Class G when CG ADC is offline, and is administered by the relevant BN TCU controller.
See also: CG ADC Offline.
If choosing not to provide a top down service, consider publishing an ATIS Zulu for the aerodrome, to inform pilots about the airspace reclassification. The More ATIS plugin has a formatted Zulu ATIS message.
Airspace Structural Arrangements
Pursuant to Section 2 of the VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy, “North”/”West” positions shall assume the airspace of corresponding “South”/”East” positions when the latter are inactive (e.g. BAN assumes BAS airspace), and vice versa.
Airspace Division
The divisions of the airspace between BAN, BAS, BDS, BDN, and BAC change based on the Runway Mode.
The following diagrams do not include non BN TCU areas of responsibility such as AF CTR or CG ADC
Parallel Runway Operations
Refer to Parallel Runway Separation Standards for more information
Runway Selection
Aircraft shall be assigned the following runways for arrival when PROPS are in progress:
FF | Runway |
BLAKA | 01R/19L |
GOMOL | 01R/19L |
UGTUG | 01R/19R |
TEBOT | 01R/19R |
MORBI | 01L/19R |
SMOKA | 01L/19R |
WOODY | 01L/19R |
ENLIP | 01L/19L |
Other aircraft: | |
From the NORTH and WEST | 01L/19R |
From the SOUTH and EAST | 01R/19L |
These standard runway assignments may be modified strategically by the BAS or BFL controller.
If during an event, the vast majority of traffic is coming from BLAKA and GOMOL feeder fixes, BAS/BFL may elect to assign 19L to BLAKA arrivals and 19R to GOMOL arrivals, to keep them separated at all times.
BFL -> INL: "All arrivals via GOMOL to be assigned 19R until further notice"
INL -> BFL: "Roger, Arrivals via GOMOL to be assigned 19R"
Independent Visual Approach Phraseology at Night
BAS: “QFA660, Turn left heading 040, join final Runway 01L, from that heading Cleared Independent Visual Approach Runway 01L, not below 2400 until established on the PAPI”
Offline Towers
AF ADC Offline
Due to the low level of CTA (A015
) in the AF CTR when AF ADC is offline, it is best practice to give airways clearance to aircraft at the holding point, to ensure departing aircraft can have uninterrupted climb.
ABC: "Brisbane Approach, ABC, PC12, POB 8, IFR, Taxiing YBAF for YBSU, Runway 28R"
BN TCU: "ABC, Brisbane Approach, Squawk 3601, No Reported IFR Traffic, Report Ready at the Holding Point for Airways Clearance"
ABC: "Squawk 3601, Wilco, ABC"
ABC: "ABC, Ready Runway 28R, Request clearance"
BN TCU: "ABC, Cleared to YBSU via BN, Flight Planned Route. Make Visual right turn DCT BN, Climb to A030"
ABC: "Cleared to YBSU via BN, Flight Planned Route. Make Visual right turn DCT BN, Climb to A030, ABC"
CG ADC Offline
Due to the low level of CTA (A035
) in the CG CTR when CG ADC is offline, it is best practice to give airways clearance to aircraft at the holding point, to ensure departing aircraft can have uninterrupted climb.
JST446: "Brisbane Approach, JST446, A320, IFR, taxiing YBCG for YSSY, runway 14"
BN TCU: "JST446, Brisbane Approach, squawk 3601, no reported IFR traffic, report ready at the holding point for airways clearance"
JST446: "Squawk 3601, wilco, JST446"
JST446: "JST446, ready runway 14, request clearance"
BN TCU: "JST446, cleared to YSSY via APAGI, flight planned route, climb to A060"
JST446: "Cleared to YSSY via APAGI, flight planned route, climb to A060, JST446"
Helicopter Operations
In VMC, helicopters inbound to or outbound from YBBN shall be processed via two visual waypoints (outlined below) positioned north and south of the field. Where VMC does not exist, IFR helicopters will conform to fixed wing ops.
Direction of Flight | Inbound/Outbound Tracking Point |
North | BLHS |
South | MBHM |
East | MBHM |
West | BLHS |
BN ADC will clear outbound helicopters via the appropriate waypoint and transfer the aircraft to TCU. Where VMC does not exist, IFR helicopters will be assigned the BN (RADAR) SID and processed as per fixed wing ops.
Helicopters arriving to YBBN during VMC shall be cleared by BN TCU via the appropriate inbound waypoint, with that waypoint issued as the clearance limit. TCU shall coordinate the arrival with ADC and transfer the aircraft approaching the clearance limit.
X6G: "Brisbane Approach, helicopter X6G, 14nm north of Brisbane, A010, inbound, received Bravo, request clearance"
BN TCU: "X6G, Brisbane Approach, remain outside Class C airspace, squawk 0445"
X6G: "Remain OCTA, squawk 0445, X6G"
TCU -> ADC: "North, helicopter X6G, inbound at A010, clearance limit BLHS"
ADC -> TCU: "X6G"
BN TCU: "X6G, identified, cleared to YBBN via BLHS, maintain A010, clearance limit BLHS"
X6G: "Cleared to YBBN via BLHS, maintain A010, clearance limit BLHS, X6G"
BN TCU: "X6G, contact Brisbane Tower, 120.5"
BN ADC will assess the traffic situation and clear the aircraft for a visual approach to their nominated landing site.
City Scenic Flights
Helicopters conducting scenic flights around the city require access to the Brisbane CTA to operate. These flights typically involve low-level operations inside controlled airspace and in proximity to landmarks within the city area.
Aircraft must track via Class G airspace to UQLD and contact BN TCU prior to reaching UQLD requesting airways clearance. Attempt to identify the aircraft, and if a clearance cannot be given immediately, instruct the pilot to remain clear of Class C airspace.
FHK: "Departures, helicopter FHK, 2 miles south UQLD A010
, for city scenic, request airways clearance"
BN TCU: "FHK, Departures, squawk 1562, remain outside Class C airspace"
FHK: "Squawk 1562, remain OCTA, FHK"
BN TCU: "FHK, identified, cleared to enter controlled airspace remaining west of SBD, not above A010
, Brisbane QNH 1026"
FHK: "Cleared to enter controlled airspace remaining west of SBD, not above A010
, QNH 1026, FHK"
Due to the close proximity to YBBN, it may be necessary to instruct helicopters to maintain visual separation with arriving or departing aircraft.
BN TCU: "FHK, report sighting an Embraer E190 departing runway 19R, through A008
on climb."
FHK: Traffic in sight, FHK"
BN TCU: "FHK, maintain own seperation with the E190"
FHK: "Maintain own seperation, FHK"
BN TCU: "QFA1864, traffic is a helicopter operating over the CBD not above A010
, maintaining own separation with you"
QFA1864: "QFA1864"
Once the aircraft exits the CTA, cancel their identification and control services.
FHK: "FHK, excited the zone"
BN TCU: "FHK, identification and control service terminated, frequency change approved"
FHK: "Frequency change approved, FHK"
Voiceless for aircraft:
- Tracking via a Procedural SID terminus^; and
- Assigned the lower of
or theRFL
- Tracking via APAGI and assigned the lower of
or theRFL
; or - Tracking via BN and assigned the lower of
or theRFL
- Tracking via APAGI and assigned the lower of
- Assigned the ITIDE STAR; and
- Assigned
^Aircraft are not required to be tracking via the SID procedure, simply tracking via any of the terminus waypoints (Regardless of departure airport or assigned SID) is sufficient to meet the criteria for voiceless coordination
All other aircraft going to INL CTA must be Heads-up Coordinated by BN TCU prior to the boundary. This includes YBCG departures to the North that clip INL(GOL) airspace before re-entering BN TCU airspace
BAC -> GOL: "Departing YBCG, X4C, do you have any Restrictions or Requirements?"
GOL -> BAC: "X4C, No Restrictions or Requirements"
Voiceless for all aircraft:
- With ADES YBBN or YBCG; and
- Assigned a STAR; and
- Assigned
for YBBN arrivals; or - Assigned
for YBCG arrivals
Additionally, Voiceless coordination may be used for YBCG arrivals tracking via BN and assigned F190
All other aircraft coming from INL CTA will be Heads-up Coordinated to BN TCU.
Auto Release
'Next' coordination is not required from BN ADC for aircraft that are:
- Departing from a runway nominated on the ATIS (except during SODPROPS^); and
- Assigned the standard assignable level; and
- Assigned a Procedural SID; or
- Assigned the Radar SID with a Standard Assignable Heading
^Auto Release is not available during SODPROPS runway mode. All aircraft will be coordinated from BN ADC to BN TCU.
BN ADC -> BN TCU: "Next, ABC, runway 19L"
BN TCU -> BN ADC: "ABC, Heading 030, Unrestricted"
BN ADC -> BN TCU: "Heading 030, ABC"
The Standard Assignable level from BN ADC to BN TCU is:
For Jets: A060
For Non-Jets: The lower of A040
or the RFL
Standard Assignable Departure Headings
Aircraft that have been cleared the BN (RADAR) SID will receive an assigned heading with their line up or takeoff clearance. 'Next' coordination is not required (excluding during SODPROPS) from the BN ADC controller when the departing aircraft has been assigned the standard assignable level and assigned one of the headings listed below:
Runway | Assigned Heading |
01L | H340 |
01R | H120 |
19L | H110 |
19R | H270 |
If strong winds are present at altitude, ADC/DEP should discuss slight changes to these headings (+/- 5 degrees) to compensate for large crosswind components.
BN TCU Internal
Voiceless Coordination is in place for arrivals transiting between BN TCU positions, provided the aircraft is:
- ADES YBBN or YBCG; and
- Assigned a STAR; and
- Descending via STAR to
Voiceless Coordination is in place for departures transiting between BN TCU positions, provided the aircraft is:
- ADEP YBBN or YBCG; and
- Assigned a SID; and
- Climbing via SID to
or higher
Others (Heads-up)
All other aircraft not meeting the Departures/Arrivals criteria that transit between internal BN TCU boundaries must be heads-up coordinated.
BDS -> BAS: "via MAKRU, QFA904"
BAS -> BDS: "QFA904, A050"
CG ADC is responsible for the Class C Airspace within the CG CTR SFC
to A015
Refer to Reclassifications for operations when CG ADC is offline.
Auto Release
'Next' coordination is not required from CG ADC for aircraft that are:
a) Departing from a runway nominated on the ATIS; and
b) Assigned the standard assignable level; and
c) Assigned a Procedural SID
CG ADC -> BAC: "Next, CBN, runway 14"
BAC -> CG ADC: "CBN, heading 030, unrestricted"
CG ADC -> BAC: "Heading 030, CBN"
The BN TCU controller can suspend/resume Auto Release at any time, with the concurrence of CG ADC.
The Standard Assignable level from CG ADC to BN TCU is:
For Jets: A060
For Non-Jets: The lower of A060
or the RFL
AF ADC is responsible for the Class D Airspace within the AF CTR SFC
to A015
Refer to Reclassifications for operations when AF ADC is offline.
When aircraft planned via a CTA departure are ready for takeoff and expected to depart imminently, AF ADC shall seek release of the aircraft through a 'Next' call.
AF ADC -> BN TCU: "Next, XMM, Runway 10L"
BN TCU -> AF ADC: "XMM, Unrestricted"
The Standard Assignable level from AF ADC to BN TCU is the lower of A040
or the RFL
, any other level must be prior coordinated.
BN TCU will heads-up coordinate arrivals/overfliers from Class C to AF ADC prior to 5 mins from the boundary.
IFR aircraft will be cleared for the coordinated approach (Instrument or Visual) prior to handoff to AF ADC, unless AF ADC nominates a restriction.
VFR aircraft require a level readback.
BN TCU -> AF ADC: "via TVT for the visual approach, UJE"
AF ADC -> BN TCU: "UJE, visual approach"
All aircraft transiting from BN TCU to AMB TCU and vice versa must be heads-up coordinated prior to the boundary.
AMB TCU -> BN TCU: "via BN, DRGN02"
BN TCU -> AMB TCU: "DRGN02, F140
For aircraft arriving into AMB TCU there is no standard assignable level and simply is what ever the controllers agree upon.
BN TCU -> AMB TCU: "via WACKO, STAL13, what level can I assign?"
AMB TCU -> BN TCU: "STAL13, A090
BN TCU -> AMB TCU: "A090
, STAL13"
BN TCU Class G shares a tiny border with SU ADC, however there are no SIDs, STARs, or airways through this gap. The only possible way for an aircraft to directly enter SU ADC airspace from BN TCU's jurisdiction, is from Class G, and as such, no coordination is required to SU ADC. However, ensure the aircraft is transferred to the ADC at least 10nm prior to the boundary, to facilitate their airways clearance.
SU ADC coordination for arrivals and departures via the SID/STAR is handled by INL(NSA).