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Mackay (YBMK)


Name Callsign Frequency Login Identifier
Mackay ADC Mackay Tower 124.500 MK_TWR
Mackay SMC Mackay Ground 121.700 MK_GND
Mackay ATIS 128.000 YBMK_ATIS


MK ADC is responsible for the Class D airspace in the MK CTR SFC to A010.

MK ADC Airspace

Refer to Class D Tower Separation Standards for more information.



Auto Release

'Next' coordination is not required to MKA for aircraft that are:
a) Departing from a runway nominated on the ATIS; and
b) Assigned the standard assignable level; and
c) Assigned a Procedural SID


MK ADC -> MKA: "Next, ABC, runway 14"
MKA -> MK ADC: "ABC, Heading 150 Visual, unrestricted"
MK ADC -> MKA: "Heading 150 Visual unrestricted, ABC"

The TCU controller can suspend/resume Auto Release at any time, with the concurrence of MKA.

The Standard Assignable level from MKADC to MKA is the lower of A060 or the RFL.


The controller assuming responsibility of SMC shall give heads-up coordination to MKA prior to the issue of the following clearances:

  • VFR Departures
  • Aircraft using a runway not on the ATIS


MKA will heads-up coordinate arrivals/overfliers from Class C to MK ADC.
IFR aircraft will be cleared for the coordinated approach (Instrument or Visual) prior to handoff to MK ADC, unless MK ADC nominates a restriction.
VFR aircraft require a level readback.


MKA -> MK ADC: "Via BAVAM for the RNP RWY 32, VOZ1164”
MK ADC -> MKA: "VOZ1164, RNP RWY 32"