Sunshine Coast (YBSU)
Name | Callsign | Frequency | Login Identifier |
Sunshine Coast ADC | Sunshine Coast Tower | 124.400 | SU_TWR |
Sunshine Coast SMC | Sunshine Coast Ground | 121.100 | SU_GND |
Sunshine Coast ATIS | N/A | 119.800 | YBSU_ATIS |
Refer to Class D Tower Separation Standards for more information.
Surveillance coverage can be expected to be not available below A012
in the SU CTR. Although SU ADC is not permitted to use surveillance for separation, INL(NSA) may assist by establishing surveillance separation standards via coordination
Runway Configuration
Pilots with old simulators/scenery may not have the newer Runway 13/31 config (replacing the old 18/36 config). If a pilot reports this to be the case, try to facilitate their flight as best as possible, whilst giving them lower priority to other traffic. Coordinate as you deem necessary with adjacent units.
SID Selection
Jet Aircraft planned via MOOLO or TAPET, shall be assigned the Procedural SID that terminates at the appropriate waypoint, unless the pilot indicates they are unable to accept a Procedural SID.
All other aircraft may be assigned a visual departure, or a standard IFR departure.
A 'next' call is made for all aircraft when they are next to depart. SU ADC must inform INL(NSA/BUR) if the aircraft does not depart within 2 minutes of the next call.
SU ADC -> NSA: "Next, BNZ133, runway 31"
NSA -> SU ADC: "BNZ133, unrestricted"
SU ADC -> NSA: "BNZ133"
The Standard Assignable level from SU ADC to INL(NSA/BUR) is the lower of A040
or the RFL
, any other level must be prior coordinated.
Where operationally possible, INL(NSA/BUR) will assign a higher level to high performance aircraft during next coordination. This level assignment should be communicated to the aircraft during the takeoff clearance or when they provide a departure report after takeoff.
SU ADC: "VOZ924, climb to FL120, runway 31, cleared for takeoff"
NSA will heads-up coordinate arrivals/overfliers from Class C to SU ADC. Aircraft will be cleared for the coordinated approach prior to handoff to SU ADC, unless SU ADC nominates a restriction.
NSA -> SU ADC: "Via ITIDE2W Arrival, QJE1756”
SU ADC -> NSA: "QJE1756"
The Standard Assignable level from INL(NSA/BUR) to SU ADC is A060
, any other level must be prior coordinated.
BN TCU Class G shares a tiny border with SU ADC, however there are no SIDs, STARs, or airways through this gap. The only possible way for an aircraft to directly enter BN TCU's airspace from SU ADC's jurisdiction, is in to Class G, and as such, no coordination is required to BN TCU.