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Darwin TCU


Name ID Callsign Frequency Login Identifier
Darwin Approach East DAE Darwin Approach 125.200 DN_APP
Darwin Approach West† DAW Darwin Approach 134.100 DN-W_APP

Non-standard positions may only be used in accordance with VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy



DN TCU owns the airspace within a 40NM radius of the DN DME from SFCFL180

DN TCU is also responsible for Active Restricted Area R264 A-K and R230 A-F

DAW may request DN TCU (SFCF240) from TRT to facilitate military transits to/from R264 A-K and R230 A-F

Airspace Division

When both DN TCU positions are opened, DN TCU is split east and west along the runway 18/36 extended centreline. DAW owns the airspace to the west of the line and DAE owns the airspace to the east of the line

Default DN TCU Upper Limits

DN TCU Airspace


ADC owns the airspace within the DN CTR (SFCA010). This airspace is designed to facilitate the processing of helicopter scenic flights and low-level helicopter circuits.
The CTR extends 7NM from the thresholds of runways 11 and 29 but does not including the Robertson Barracks transit zone.

ADC may request DN TCU (SFCA020) from DN TCU to facilitate fixed-wing circuit operations:
a) Fixed-wing circuit operations are typically conducted at Delissaville (YDLV) due to high traffic density at Darwin
b) ADC may deny requests for circuits if IFR traffic may be unduly delayed

DN ADC Airspace

DN ADC Airspace


DN ADC is permitted to use Surveillance standards for separation. Surveillance coverage can be expected to be available at all levels in the DN ADC airspace.
For simulation purposes, visual separation is assumed to exist below the cloud base, and within 7nm of the aerodrome. Visual separation can still be used to separate from aircraft on an instrument approach, below the cloud base.


Runway Modes

Runway selection shall be coordinated by DN ADC. In any case, a change of runway mode shall not be broadcast on the ATIS until DAW accepts the change.

The Runway Mode options available are:

a) Runway 29 and Runway 36;
b) Runway 29 and Runway 18;
c) Runway 29 only;
d) Runway 11 and Runway 36;
e) Runway 11 and Runway 18;
f) Runway 11 only.

Non-RNAV Departures

For non-RNAV approved IFR aircraft with a wake turbulence category of medium or greater, issue a Radar SID
For non-RNAV approved IFR aircraft with a wake turbulence category of light, issue a visual departure or Radar SID



Additional charts to the AIP may be found in the RAAF TERMA document, available towards the bottom of RAAF AIP page


IFR Training Area

IFR aircraft requiring an area for training shall be cleared to operate in the North Eastern Training Area (NETA)
The NETA is defined as the area between DN 360R–060R from 15NM–30NM DN DME.
Aircraft are to be cleared to the NETA via the 030R outbound. Vertical limits are to be specified by DAW prior to issuing airways clearance

Designated Fuel Dumping Area

Other than in an emergency, the designated fuel jettison area is:
a) Over water in the Beagle Gulf
b) Between the 320 and 020 TACAN radials
c) A060 or above

Robertson Barracks

Darwin TCU is not responsible for traffic or separation services within the A005 step to the east of Darwin. This step is designed for low-level VFR MIL helos to transit in/out of Robertson Barracks without the need for communication with Darwin TCU.




Voiceless for all aircraft:

  • Tracking via a Procedural SID terminus; and
  • Assigned the lower of F180 or the RFL

All other aircraft going to TRT CTA must be Heads-up Coordinated by DN TCU prior to the boundary.


DN TCU -> TRT: "PFY1234, with your concurrence, will be assigned F160, for my separation with JTE654"
TRT -> DN TCU: "PFY1234, concur F160"


Voiceless for all aircraft:

  • With ADES YPDN; and
  • Assigned a STAR; and
  • Assigned A100

All other aircraft coming from TRT CTA will be Heads-up Coordinated to DN TCU.



DN ADC owns the airspace within the DN CTR SFCA010.

Auto Release

"Next" Coordination is a procedure where the DN ADC controller gives a heads-up to the DN TCU controller about an impending departure. The DN TCU controller will respond by assigning a heading to the aircraft, for the DN ADC controller to pass on with their takeoff clearance.


DN ADC -> DN TCU: "Next, ABC, runway 18"
DN TCU -> DN ADC: "ABC, Track Extended Centreline, unrestricted"
DN ADC -> DN TCU: "Track Extended Centreline, unrestricted, ABC"

All departures from 18/36 require departure coordination with DN TCU

IFR Departures

The Standard Assignable level from DN ADC to DN TCU is the lower of F180 or the RFL.
If the aircraft is not planned via an RNAV SID and has a light wake turbulance cateogry, they are to be assigned the lower of A030 or the RFL.

VFR Departures

A020 or the planned level; whichever is lower, to all VFR aircraft.

VFR aircraft are required to track via one of the published VFR Routes.

VFR routes shall be assigned based on the destination radial from Darwin.

Assign VFR routes in accordance with the following radial chart:

Outbound Radial Assigned VFR Route
360 – 040 VFR Route 1
041 – 084 VFR Route 2
085 – 124 VFR Route 3
125 – 180 VFR Route 4
181 – 224 VFR Route 5
225 – 359 Direct


If a VFR aircraft has not planned via a VFR route as above, use the phraseology: “ABC, cleared amended route VFR route 1, maintain A020, squawk 4512”

Auto-Release Wedge

The Darwin auto-release wedges extend from the departure end runway threshold, 30 degrees splayed from the centreline, to 7nm

Auto-release at Darwin is only available for VFR aircraft and low-level IFR aircraft.

Tower may depart aircraft that conform with the above conditions within the auto-release wedge using the following headings:

Departure Type Runway 11 Runway 29
VFR H070V, H106V or H140V H260V, H286V or H320V
IFR (Visual Dep) H070V, H106V, or H140V H260V, H286V or H320V
IFR (Radar) H070, H106 or H140 H260, H286 or H320


Tower shall provide visual separation between aircraft in the auto-release wedge and subsequent departures until the preceding departure has been maneuvered by TCU

DN TCU Internal

Heads-up coordination is not required between DAW and DAE for:

  • Departures on a Procedural SID and assigned F180
  • Arrivals on a STAR assigned A060

All other aircraft must be heads-up coordinated prior to the airspace boundary


DAW -> DAE: "via DN, CFH23"
DAE -> DAW: "CFH23, A090"