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Huon (HUO)


Name Callsign Frequency Login ID
Huon Melbourne Centre 122.600 ML-HUO_CTR


The Primary Communication Method for HUO is Voice.

CPDLC may be used in lieu when applicable.

The CPDLC Station Code is YHUO.


Even though HUO's Primary Communication Method is Voice, CPDLC may be used for Overfliers.


Huon Airspace

Huon Airspace



When HBA and/or LTA are offline, the class C and D airspace SFC to A085 in the relevant TMA is reclassified as class G.

HUO may choose to operate either YMHB or YMLT (or both) aerodromes top down, including the terminal airspace within the Tasmania TMA. Due to limited surveillence coverage and the complex airspace setup, extending top down to one or both aerodromes is not compulsory.

If HUO chooses to operate top down to either aerodrome, they must administer all relevant airspace within the appropriate TMA, including the class D CTR.


Ensure you are familiar with the aerodrome procedures for Launceston and Hobart before extending top down, and are aware of the limited surveillence coverage available in the lower levels of the TMA.


If choosing not to provide a top down service, consider publishing an ATIS Zulu for each aerodrome, to inform pilots about the airspace reclassification. The More ATIS plugin has a formatted Zulu ATIS message.


HUO is reponsible for issuing STAR clearances, sequencing, and descent for aircraft bound for YMLT and YMHB.

STAR Clearance Expectation


Aircraft being transferred to the following sectors shall be told to Expect STAR Clearance on handoff:

Transferring Sector Receiving Sector ADES Notes

First Contact

Aircraft being transferred from the following sectors shall be given STAR Clearance on first contact:

Transferring Sector Receiving Sector ADES Notes




LTA owns the airspace SFC to F245 within a 30nm radius of the LT VOR. LT ADC owns the Class D airspace within LT CTR SFC to A015 when open.

HBA owns the airspace SFC to F245 within the remainder of the Tasmania TMA (shown below). HB ADC owns the Class D airspace within HB CTR SFC to A015 (north of runway centreline) and A025 (south of runway centreline) when open.

Refer to Reclassifications for operations when HBA and/or LTA are offline.

LTA Release

The Airspace on and west of the IRSOM-MORGO track F125-F245 is permanently released from LTA to HUO, unless coordinated otherwise. Boundary Coordination is not required to LTA for aircraft on this track assigned at or above F130.

LTA Release

LTA Release


Voiceless for all aircraft:

  • With ADES YMLT
  • Tracking from IRSOM or NUNPA DCT LT; and
  • Assigned A090
  • With ADES YMHB
  • Assigned the IPLET or MORGO STAR; and
  • Assigned F130

All other aircraft coming from HUO CTA must be Heads-up Coordinated to TAS TCU prior to 20nm from the boundary.


Voiceless for all aircraft:

  • Assigned the lower of F240 or the RFL; and
  • Tracking via a Procedural SID terminus

All other aircraft going to HUO CTA will be Heads-up Coordinated by TAS TCU.


As per Standard coordination procedures, Voiceless, no changes to route or CFL within 50nm to boundary.

TSN/IND(INS) (Oceanic)

As per Standard coordination procedures, Voiceless, no changes to route or CFL within 15 mins to boundary.