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7. Sydney (YSSY) Arrivals

Runway Modes

16 PROPS and 34 PROPS are the preferred Runway Modes, with equal preference.

Due to the nature of the event, a non-standard maximum crosswind limitation has been approved up to 30 knots. A single runway mode should only be considered if the crosswind exceeds this figure.

Runway mode changes will be extremely difficult, so ensure an appropriate mode is chosen with consideration to the forecast wind values over the course of the event.

Airways Clearance Delivery (ACD)

The ACD role will perform as normal. Expect a handful of departures who want to maximise the ATC coverage. Normal departure procedures apply for all aircraft.

Surface Movement Control (SMC)


With two SMC controllers online, utilise strip bay bars to keep the Taxi and Holding Point strip bays organised.


It is unlikely that Coordinator will be open, so normal outbound taxi procedures apply. If Coordinator is online, refer to the VATPAC recommended workflow.

Separation Assurance

Both SMC positions must be careful to ensure separation is assured at all times, particularly through the complex taxiway intersections at Sydney.

With runways 34L/R in use for arrivals/departures, SMC East should consider instructing aircraft taxiing southbound on Charlie to initially hold short of Golf (to avoid conflict with aircraft taxiing from DOM2 and eastward). After crossing the runway, consider instructing aircraft to hold short of Bravo 10 (to avoid conflict with inbound aircraft from 34R). Inbound aircraft should be instructed to hold short of Bravo 8 (to give way to aircraft vacating 34L at the rapid exit).

During PROPS, maximum use of runway 07/25 should be utilised to enable an east/westbound split between taxiway Golf and the runway.

SMC West should protect the Alpha 2 rapid exit and utilise taxiways Yankee and Juilet as a second path for aircraft when Golf and Alpha are already occupied. Be careful taxiing outbound aircraft south of Juliet while an aircraft is landing on runway 34L, as they will plan to vacate via Alpha 2.

Runway Crossings

Due to the full arrival sequence, runway crossings (across 16R/34L) should be avoided where possible. Landing aircraft are expected to vacate to the left or right, depending on their intended parking position. If an aircraft wishes to taxi to an apron on the other side of the runway, encourage them to find a new parking position on the same side to where they currently are.

If a crossing is required, coordinate early with ADC, who may obtain assurance from a landing aircraft that they will vacate via a specified runway exit. ADC will then issue crossing instructions to SMC while the landing aircraft is still on the runway.

Tower Control (ADC)


With two SMC controllers online, utilise strip bay bars to keep the Holding Point and Runway strip bays organised.

Runway Vacating Instructions

To avoid creating conflict for SMC, ADC shall instruct all arriving aircraft to vacate via the following exits when issued a landing clearance:

Landing Runway Exit
16R B7 (left) or A4 (right)
16L T3 or T4
34L A2 (left) or B9 (right)
34R T2 or U1


SY ADC: "JST554, vacate via B9 to the right, runway 34L, cleared to land"

Runway Efficiency

The success of the event will be decided by ADC's ability to minimise runway occupancy and maximise runway efficiency. Where necessary, instruct landing aircraft to 'vacate without delay'.

While runway crossings will be minimised, should a crossing be required, instruct a landing aircraft to report when they are assured of taking the assigned rapid exit. Once that assurance has been received, instruct SMC to cross the applicable aircraft (provided they are further upwind than the assured runway exit).


SY ADC: "QFA451, report when assured of vacating via B9 to the right, runway 34L, cleared to land"

If any aircraft need to depart during the arrival window, ensure that maximum efficiency is achieved by instructing them to line up as soon as the landing aircraft has cleared the threshold. Avoid go arounds at all costs, and if necessary, delay the departing aircraft where a gap between two arrivals is too tight.


Standard as per YSSY Local Instructions.