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When a prior arrangement has been made to change controllers on a particular sector, an informative, consistent, and reliable Handover procedure will ensure the controller taking over has all the information necessary to start working the airspace. This is especially important during busy times, such as during events.

Wherever possible, Handovers shall be conducted in the RAWFTO format:


What runways are in use in your airspace?


Is there anything abnormal about your airspace at the moment?
Which adjacent sectors are online?
Are any airspace releases active?
Are you extending to any adjacent sectors?
Are you providing top-down service to any aerodromes?


Has any abnormal/significant weather been forecast or reported?
Does the Area QNH preclude cruising at F110 (<1013)?


What frequencies are active?


One by one, go through every jurisdiction and announced aircraft on the screen, and tell the taking over controller what they need to know

Outstanding Instructions / Other

Anything that you were in the middle of doing?
Any frequency transfers that need to be done?
Any coordination outstanding?
Anything else they need to know?



"Runway 16 for arrivals, 27 for departures at YMML. Runway 34L and 34R at YSSY. Runway 35 at YSCB. Runway 25 at YMAY.
Airspace, We're controlling ELW, extending to GUN, providing top-down at YMML, YSSY and YSCB. AY TWR is online, and MUN is online, extending to ARL and HUO. Airspace releases all normal.
Weather is mostly normal, Area QNHs are high, except for a small part to the east of Area 30.
Frequencies active are 123.75 and 129.8.
Traffic, QFA428 is taxiing 34L at YSSY, WOL2 departure for YMML. No other calls on the ground at YSSY, YSCB or YMML. VOZ831 is on climb, coordination to MUN is done. LPD has clearance to leave controlled airspace descending. QJE1721 and UAL19 are both estimating LIZZI at the same time, will need some sequencing. JST528 and BNZ192 are coming in from the north, haven't yet assessed if they're in conflict.
No other outstanding instructions other than frequency transfers and handoffs.
Any questions?"