As per VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy, Enroute controllers are permitted to extend to any adjacent sector. Controllers must ensure that when extending, they update their visibility points and have sufficient visibility coverage to cover the entirety of all sectors under their jurisdiction. If this is not possible (due to range limitations), that sector must not be extended.
TCU controllers operating the Coral or Tasmania TMAs may elect to extend to the adjacent TMA (e.g. HBA extend to LTA) at their discretion.
Frequency Management
When providing extended coverage, controllers must have all the frequencies of the sectors they are extending to; active, and cross-coupled.
Here are tips to help manage frequencies when extending:
- Advise the aircraft to transfer frequencies at specific times/situations, such as
- "at time xx, contact me xxx.xx"
- "at waypoint ABABI, contact me xxx.xx"
- "at top of descent, contact me xxx.xx"
- Include which frequency the aircraft is currently on by placing the 3 letter sector designator in the label.
- An aircraft on the TBD frequency would have
in the label. - An aircraft on the ARL frequency would have
in the label.
- An aircraft on the TBD frequency would have
- Optional: When transferring an aircraft to its final frequency in your airspace, you can remove the frequency designator from the label
- Optional: Prior to handing off an aircraft to another ENR sector that is extending to at least 2 sectors that the aircraft will fly through, put the frequency designator of the frequency you are telling the aircraft to call in the label. eg, controlling BLA, transferring aircraft bound for YPAD to MUN, who is also extending to TBD: Put
in label prior to handoff.
Extending to adjacent sectors must be done with traffic levels and complexity in mind. It is very easy to start controlling to several adjacent sectors when traffic is calm, then it slowly builds up without you noticing, and all of a sudden everyone is receiving a sub-par service. A great way to see this coming is from your Preactive and Announced strip windows. The more full they are, the busier you'll be in the next 10-60 minutes.
If you find yourself actively having to zoom in to certain areas, and not seeing large areas of your airspace for extended periods, relinquish some airspace.
If you find yourself barely having any time to think in between radio calls, relinquish some airspace.
If the frequency is constantly getting stepped on by multiple aircraft, relinquish some airspace.
Stay vigilant for aircraft in your airspace taxiing without calling up. Many aerodromes have Radar/ADSB on the ground, and this can be used in conjunction with the ground radar to check for aircraft movements. If you zoom right in to a Radar/ADSB return on the ground at an aerodrome you are top down to, and it has a velocity vector, time to send a contact me!
When extending, include in your remarks, "Extending to (Sector) (frequency), (Sector) (frequency), etc. This will have the benefit of:
- Helping pilots be aware of whether or not they are in your airspace, so they are less likely to start taxiing without a clearance or traffic statement
- Helping pilots know which frequency to use
- If entered in this format, display the extensions on certain VATSIM traffic coverage apps.
Melbourne Centre
Extending to HUO 122.6, MUN 132.6, GUN 128.4
Charts - vats.im/pac/charts
ATC feedback - helpdesk.vatpac.org