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Name Callsign Frequency Login ID
Port Moresby Centre Moresby Control 123.400 AYPM_CTR


AYPM Airspace

AYPM Airspace

Airspace SFC to BCTA is considered Class F.

Refer to the PNG Local instructions for more information about Class F operations.




Voiceless coordination is in place from AYPY TCU to AYPM CTR for aircraft assigned the lower of A150 or the RFL and tracking via a procedural SID terminus.

Any aircraft not meeting the above requirements must be prior coordinated to AYPM CTR.


Voiceless coordination is in place from AYPM CTR to AYPY TCU given the arrival has been assigned the standard assignable level of A140 and assigned a STAR.

All other aircraft must be prior coordinated.

Class F Aerodromes

Departures and Arrivals

As per Standard coordination procedures, coordination between ADC and AYPM CTR is not required. However, a 5 minute change parameter applies to any aircraft that change level, route, or taxi within 5 minutes of the next sector's airspace.


As per Standard coordination procedures, coordination between ADC and AYPM CTR is not required. However, a 5 minute change parameter applies to any aircraft that change level, route, or taxi within 5 minutes of the next sector's airspace.

IFR aircraft may either be handed off to the ADC frequency by AYPM CTR, or held on the AYPM CTR frequency following coordination if there is no relevant traffic.


DEF tracking YABAL H409 PAPTI
AYPM CTR -> AYMH ADC: "via LEMER, DEF, overflying at A180."
AYMH ADC -> AYPM CTR: "DEF, No reported traffic, no frequency requirements."
AYPM CTR will put "AYMH NFR" in the label data, and the aircraft will remain on the ENR frequency.

International (ARA)

As per Standard coordination procedures, Voiceless, no changes to route or CFL within 15 mins to boundary.

Pacific Oceanic (TSN(COL)/KZAK)

As per Standard coordination procedures, Voiceless, no changes to route or CFL within 15 mins to boundary.

Aircraft must have their identification terminated and be instructed to make a position report on first contact with the next (procedural) sector.


AYPM CTR: "SOL712, identification terminated, report position to Brisbane Radio, 124.65"

International (WAAF)

As per Standard coordination procedures, Heads-up Coordination required for all aircraft prior to 30 mins from boundary.


AYPM CTR -> WAAF CTR: "Estimate, ANG8, KADAB time 59, F380"



Charts can be found on the PNG AIP Flight Supplement.