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Tontouta TCU


Name ID Callsign Frequency Login ID
Tontouta Approach South NWWWA Tontouta Approach 128.300 NWWW_APP
Tontouta Approach NWWWT Tontouta Approach 119.700 NWWW-T_APP

Non-Standard Positions

Non-standard positions may only be used in accordance with VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy.
Approval must be sought from the bolded parent position prior to opening a Non-Standard Position, unless NOTAMs indicate otherwise (eg, for events).


The vertical limits of the Tontouta TCU are SFC to F245.

When NWWM ADC is offline, the NWWM CTR (SFC to A015) reverts to Class G and is administered by the relevant TCU controller.

When NWWWT is online, the TCU is split down the NWWW 11/29 Extended Centreline, with NWWWA owning the northern portion, and NWWWT owning the southern portion.




Voiceless coordination is in place from NWWW TCU to NWWW/NFFF for aircraft assigned the lower of F240 or the RFL and tracking via a procedural SID terminus.

Any aircraft not meeting the above requirements must be prior coordinated to NWWW/NFFF.


Voiceless coordination is in place from NWWW/NFFF to NWWW TCU given the arrival has been assigned the standard assignable level of A100 and depending on the duty runway:

Runway Requirement
11 Assigned a STAR
29 Tracking to LTO VOR

All other aircraft must be prior coordinated.


Auto Release

'Next' coordination is not required to from NWWW ADC for aircraft that are:

  • Departing from a runway nominated on the ATIS; and
  • Assigned the standard assignable level; and
  • Assigned a Procedural SID



When the aircraft is ready for departure, NWWM ADC will coordinate with NWWW TCU for permission to release the aircraft into CTA.

The standard assignable level from NWWM ADC to NWWW TCU is the lower of A050 or the RFL, any other level must be prior coordinated.


NWWW TCU will heads-up coordinate arrivals/overfliers from Class D to NWWM ADC prior to 5 mins from the boundary. VFR aircraft require a level readback.


Charts can be found on the French AIS page, available under AIP > eAIP PAC N.