Port Vila
Name | Callsign | Frequency | Login ID |
Port Vila Centre | Vila Centre | 120.700 | NVVV_CTR |
Port Vila ADC | Vila Tower | 118.300 | NVVV_TWR |
Port Vila ATIS | 126.400 | NVVV_ATIS |
Port Vila Class D CTA exists:
- From 9500 FT (top of TMA) to FL245 (base of Nadi Class A OCA) within the lateral extent of the Port Vila Sector.
- Within a 20 NM-radius circle centred on the Port Vila/Bauerfield ARP from surface to 3500 FT (base of TMA).
- Within a 50 NM-radius circle centred on the Port Vila/Bauerfield ARP from 3500 FT (top of CTR) to 9500 FT (base of CTA).
During Port Vila hours of watch, Port Vila Tower provides ATS for the entire Port Vila TMA.
Outside of hours of watch, Port Vila Class D CTR is reclassified Class G and Nadi Oceanic provides ATS for the entire Sector.
Circuits are conducted south of the aerodrome.
Clear IFR departures via visual departure by day and in VMC. Otherwise, clear IFR departures via SID. Obtain departure report from IFR departures to use for separation purposes.
Clear IFR arrivals via visual approach by day and in VMC. Otherwise, clear IFR arrivals via instrument approach.
Straight-in instrument approaches to Runway 11 are offset due to terrain.
All routes require Coordination
Refer to Class D Tower Separation Standards for more information.
Standard Assignable Level
Climbing to Nadi Oceanic: FL240
Descending to Port Vila Tower: FL250