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Moorabbin (YMMB)


Name Callsign Frequency Login ID
Moorabbin ADC Moorabbin Tower 118.100 MB_TWR
Moorabbin SMC Moorabbin Ground 134.250 MB_GND
Moorabbin ATIS 120.900 YMMB_ATIS


MB ADC is responsible for the Class D airspace in the MB CTR from SFC to A025.

MB ADC Airspace

MB ADC Airspace

Refer to Class D Tower Separation Standards for more information.

Runway Modes

Preferred runway modes are as follows (in order of preference):

  1. Runway 35L/35R
  2. Runway 17L/17R
  3. Runways 13/31 (equal preference)

Runway 04/22 is not nominated by default and is only available on request or when operationally required for emergencies. Requests for Runway 22 may be granted if traffic conditions allow. Runway 04 is less likely to be approved due the need to vacate onto an intersecting runway.

VFR Inbound Procedures

Aircraft should report at the standard VFR entry points:

Direction from YMMB Entry Point
North BTO
North East ACE
East GMH
South CARR
South West SHOL
West BAW

Circuit Joining Instructions

Entry Point RWY 13 RWY 17 RWY 31 RWY 35
BTO Final 13R Oblique Base 17R Downwind 31L Downwind or Oblique Downwind 35L
ACE Base 13L Oblique Base or Final 17L Oblique Downwind or Base 31R Oblique Downwind 35R
GMH Oblique Downwind or Downwind 13L Base 17L Oblique Base or Final 31R Base 35R
CARR Oblique Downwind 13R Downwind 17R Base 31L* Final 35L
SHOL Oblique Downwind or Base 13R Oblique Downwind 17R Base 31L Oblique Base or Final 35L
BAW Base or Oblique Base 13R Base or Oblique Downwind 17R Oblique Downwind 31L Base 35L


EWZ: "Moorabbin Tower, EWZ, C172, approaching CARR, A015, inbound in receipt of P"
MB ADC: "EWZ, Moorabbin Tower, join downwind Runway 17R"
EWZ: "Join downwind Runway 17R, EWZ"

VFR Pilots are expected to enter the MB CTR at A010 as per ERSA. However, be aware that some pilots may not be familiar with this requirement.


Fixed wing

Circuit altitude: A010.

Runway Day Circuit Direction Night Circuit Direction
13L Left Left
13R Right N/A
31L Left N/A
31R Right Right
17L Left Left
17R Right N/A
35L Left N/A
35R Right Right

Helicopter Operations


Day VFR Circuits

Circuit altitude: A007.

Helicopter circuits are conducted from designated areas based on the active runway:

  • RWY 17/35: From the Eastern Grass, which encompasses all areas east of runway 35R.
  • RWY 13/31: From the Western Triangle, which extends:
    • From TWY A to the boundary fence,
    • Up to the centerline of TWY A4,
    • Then across to the edge of TWY B and runs parallel to TWY B to the boundary fence.

Eastern Grass and Western Triangle

Eastern Grass and Western Triangle

Circuit operations are conducted parallel to the duty runway and inside the fixed-wing circuit.

  • Helicopters established on the eastern grass or western triangle do not require clearance for low-level operations below A001.
  • Pilots must report airborne before each circuit. If departing, they must include intentions. Pilots must stay below A001 until they are acknowledged.
  • Controllers provide traffic information only on initial circuits. ADC does not positively control these operations or provide sequencing.
  • Acknowledge the callsign or issue departure instructions. Hold aircraft if conflicting with other traffic.
  • After circuit training, pilots will nominate their landing HLS during the airborne call and report downwind before transitioning to the arrival procedure.
  • ADC may additionally notify pilots of additional inbound helicopter circuit traffic affecting the eastern grass or western triangle if workload allows.


Where traffic permits, helicopters may be instructed to air transit to their designated areas of operations, to expedite their repositioning.


RJB: "Moorabbin Tower, RJB, R44, at the southern apron, with information N, request circuits"
MB ADC: "RJB, Moorabbin Tower, air transit Eastern Grass, report airborne"
RJB: "Air transit Eastern Grass, RJB"

RJB: "Moorabbin Tower, RJB, airborne"

RJB, established at the Eastern Grass, becomes airborne for circuits
RJB: "RJB, Airborne"

Night Circuits

Night operations must comply with fixed wing operations.



Next coordination is required from MB ADC to ML TCU for all aircraft entering ML TCU CTA.

The Standard Assignable level from MB ADC to ML TCU is:

Aircraft Level
All The lower of A050 and RFL

Aircraft who will transit Class G airspace on climb into CTA must be cleared to leave and re-enter controlled airspace on climb to their assigned level.


MB ADC: "SGE, leave and re-enter controlled airspace climbing to A050, no reported IFR traffic. Contact Melbourne Departures on 129.4"
SGE: "Leave and re-enter controlled airspace climbing to A050, departures 129.4, SGE"


ML TCU will heads-up coordinate arrivals/overfliers from their Class C to MB ADC.

  • IFR arrivals will be cleared for the coordinated approach (Instrument or Visual) prior to handoff to MB ADC, unless MB ADC nominates a restriction.
  • VFR arrivals will not be coordinated, and will need to receive their airways clearance from MB ADC.


MDS -> MB ADC: "To the west, PLE, for the NDB-A"


Remember that IFR aircraft are only separated from other IFR or SVFR aircraft in class D. Use other separation methods, such as holding a departure on the ground, if separation is required with these aircraft.