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Camden (YSCN)


Name Callsign Frequency Login ID
Camden ADC Camden Tower 120.100 CN_TWR
Camden SMC Camden Ground 121.900 CN_GND
Camden ATIS 125.100 YSCN_ATIS


CN ADC is responsible for the Class D airspace in the CN CTR SFC to A020.

CN ADC Airspace

CN ADC Airspace

Refer to Class D Tower Separation Standards for more information.


All aircraft must depart at A013 via an extended leg of the circuit. Upon reaching 2NM CN, all VFR aircraft should monitor the appropriate area frequency (Sydney Approach). A frequency transfer will not be issued to VFR aircraft. Departing IFR aircraft will receive a frequency transfer.

Depart On Climb

Some aircraft may request to leave the CTR on climb above A013. If there is no reported traffic above the zone and no conflicting traffic at A018, aircraft may be cleared to depart on climb.


CN ADC: "PCN, runway 06, cleared for takeoff"
PCN: "Runway 06, cleared for takeoff, PCN"

PCN: "PCN, request depart on climb"
CN ADC: "PCN, depart on climb"


VFR Inbound Procedures

VFR aircraft should track via one of the VFR inbound points and be instructed as below:

VFR Approach Point RWYs 06 RWYs 24
BRY "Join Downwind RWY 06, Maintain A018, Report 2NM" "Join Final RWY 24, Maintain A018, Report Oran Park (ONPK)"
MEG "Overfly Camden to join Mid-Field Crosswind RWY 06, Maintain A018, Report Overhead" "Overfly Camden to join Mid-Field Crosswind RWY 24, Maintain A018, Report Overhead"
PIC "Overfly Camden to join Mid-Field Crosswind RWY 06, Maintain 1800ft, Report Overhead" "Overfly Camden to join Mid-Field Crosswind RWY 24, Maintain A018, Report Overhead"
THK "Join Final RWY 06, Maintain A018, Report 3NM" "Join Downwind RWY 24, Maintain A018, Report 2NM"
MYF "Join Base RWY 06, Maintain A018, Report 2NM" "Join Base RWY 24, Maintain A018, Report 2NM"

When Aircraft are clear of conflicting traffic below, aircraft may "cleared visual approach".

When an aircraft reports at their specified report point (or on downwind), issue the aircraft its sequence in the circuit.


"XEM, number 3 Runway 06, follow the C172 on base"

Instrument Approaches

The only instrument approach at YSCN is the RNP W approach. This approach commences OCTA and enters the Camden control zone.

SY TCU will not clear aircraft for the approach (as it commences OCTA) and will transfer aircraft to CN ADC at SCNWI. CN ADC shall issue airways clearance on first contact in accordance with the table below.

Scenario Clearance
Aircraft is visual & circuit traffic exists "Cleared RNP-W approach, not below A018"
Aircraft not visual or no circuit traffic "Cleared RNP-W approach, runway 06/24"


The circuit altitude at YSCN is A013 and the overfly altitude is A018. Aircraft issued a restriction to descend not below A018 should be instructed to join the circuit once clear of traffic established in the circuit area.


The circuit direction changes depending on time of day and runway being used.

Runway Day Night
06 Left Left
24 Right Right
10 (Grass) Left -
28 (Grass) Right -

Circuits are flown at A013 (High Performance Aircraft: A018)

When an aircraft reports on downwind, indicate their position in the sequence (and give a follow instruction if the sequence has changed since the last circuit).


JKA: "JKA, downwind, touch and go"
CN ADC: "JKA, number 2"


Approach Expectation

When there is more than SCT cloud on the YSCN METAR area below A035, the APCH field must include EXP INST APCH.



CN ADC must advise SY TCU when the aircraft has called 'Ready'. In response to a ready call, SY TCU will issue a traffic statement.


CN ADC -> SRI: "Ready, MHQ, Runway 06"
SRI -> CN ADC: "MHQ, traffic is MEH, an IFR AC50, tracking SHL RAKSO SB2WI, A035, estimate RAKSO time 35" (or "No Reported IFR Traffic")
CN ADC -> SRI: "Traffic is MEH tracking SHL RAKSO SB2WI A035, RAKSO at 35"

CN ADC: "MHQ, traffic is MEH, IFR AC50 tracking SHL RAKSO SB2WI at A035, estimating RAKSO at time 35, runway 06, cleared for takeoff"
MHQ: "Runway 06, cleared for takeoff, MHQ"

CN ADC: "MHQ, contact Sydney Centre on 124.55"


Note: Because aircraft enter Class G after departure, an airways clearance should not be issued by CN ADC. This will be done on first contact with Sydney TCU. Therefore, departure instructions are not required. You must however, pass the above (ready) coordination & obtain a traffic statement.


SY TCU will coordinate inbound IFR aircraft. CN ADC is responsible for issuing a clearance into the CN CTR and for coordination with SY TCU in the event of a missed approach (or on completion of airwork if applicable).

SY TCU will NOT clear the aircraft for the approach.


SRI -> CN ADC: “via RNP W, HRP”

CN ADC must issue an airways clearance to these aircraft on first contact.

IFR overflying YSCN

SRI will advise CN ADC of observed IFR aircraft overflying CN CTR below A025.