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Sydney (YSSY)


Name Callsign Frequency Login ID
Sydney ADC West Sydney Tower 120.500 SY_TWR
Sydney ADC East Sydney Tower 124.700 SY-E_TWR
Sydney SMC East Sydney Ground 121.700 SY_GND
Sydney SMC West Sydney Ground 126.500 SY-W_GND
Sydney Coordinator Sydney Coordinator 127.600 SY-C_GND
Sydney ACD Sydney Delivery 133.800 SY_DEL
Sydney ATIS 126.250 YSSY_ATIS

Non-Standard Positions

Non-standard positions may only be used in accordance with VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy.
Approval must be sought from the bolded parent position prior to opening a Non-Standard Position, unless NOTAMs indicate otherwise (eg, for events).


SY ADC is responsible for the Class C airspace in the SY CTR SFC to A005 as shown below.

SY ADC Airspace

SY ADC Airspace

Helicopter Operations

Refer to Heliport Responsibility to determine which ADC position (when both are online) is responsible for managing helicopter arrivals and departures.


VFR helicopters are generally processed via one of Sydney's Helicopter Routes. IFR helicopters should conform to fixed wing ops and be processed via the SY (RADAR) SID from an appropriate runway, unless a visual departure is acceptable.

SY ACD will issue airways clearance for a Helicopter Route through a coded clearance.


You can find details of each Helicopter Route (including applicable clearance limits) in the ERSA FAC YSSY.


YOE: "Sydney Delivery, helicopter YOE, for the Harbour Bridge 5 outbound, request clearance"
SY ACD: "YOE, Delivery, cleared Harbour Bridge 5 outbound, squawk 0215, departure frequency 123.0"
YOE: "Cleared Harbour Bridge 5 outbound, squawk 0215, departure frequency 123.0, YOE"

Most helicopters will be capable of departing from their company helipad. If reposition is required to Helipad 1 (the primary helipad), this must be approved by SY ADC.


YOE: "Sydney Tower, helicopter YOE, Hotel 7, request reposition Hotel 1"
SY ADC: "YOE, reposition approved"
YOE: "Reposition approved, YOE"

Helipad 1 is controlled by SY ADC and treated like a runway (takeoff clearances required). All other pads are outside Tower's jurisdiction and do not require a takeoff/landing clearance, however, approval must still be sought for helicopters to become airborne in the SY CTR. This approval is communicated in the form of a requirement to 'report airborne'.


HWD: "Sydney Tower, helicopter HWD, Hotel 7, for the Harbour Bridge 5 outbound, ready"
SY ADC: "HWD, Sydney Tower, report airborne"

HWD: "HWD, airborne"
SY ADC: "HWD, contact departures"
HWD: "Departures, HWD"

Helicopter operations should be accommodated without unduly delaying fixed wing traffic to/from the aerodrome. Where possible, visually separate helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, and when necessary, delegate responsibility for separation to the helicopter.


SY ADC: "HSZ, traffic is a 737 shortly rolling on runway 34R, report in sight"
HSZ: "Traffic sighted, HSZ"
SY ADC: "HSZ, maintain own separation, caution wake turbulence, report airborne"
HSZ: "Maintain own separation, wilco, HSZ"


VFR helicopters are generally processed via by one of Sydney's Helicopter Routes. IFR helicopters should conform to fixed wing ops and be processed via an appropriate runway.

SY TCU will clear helicopters for all inbound Helicopter Routes, with the exception of the CAPE BANKS 5 INBOUND and WANDA 5 INBOUND. Tower controllers should assess the current traffic situation and issue clearances for these aircraft when available. Each procedure is delivered as a coded clearance, which includes automatic altitude assignment, tracking, and a clearance limit designed to separate helicopters from fixed-wing aircraft.


YZD: "Sydney Tower, helicopter YZD, JIBN, A005, received Tango, request Cape Banks 5 Inbound"
SY ADC: "YZD, Sydney Tower, cleared Cape Banks 5 Inbound, report at the Container Terminal"
YZD: "Cleared Cape Banks 5 Inbound, YZD"

YZD: "YZD, Container Terminal"
SY ADC: "YZD, cleared visual approach, report on the ground"
YZD: "Cleared visual approach, wilco, YZD"


You can find details of each Helicopter Route (including applicable clearance limits) in the YSSY ERSA FAC.

During times of peak fixed wing traffic, instruct helicopters to hold at their designated clearance limit on their Helicopter Route and maintain own separation on approach to the heliport.


SY ADC: "YOE, hold at the clearance limit, traffic is a 717 on a 4nm final to runway 25, report in sight"
YOE: "Hold at the clearance limit, traffic sighted, YOE"
SY ADC: "YOE, pass behind that aircraft, maintain own separation, caution wake turbulence, cleared visual approach, report on the ground"
YOE: "Pass behind the 717, maintain own separation, cleared visual approach, YOE"

Remember to pass traffic information to both aircraft.
SY ADC: "QJE1745, traffic is a helicopter, currently 3nm north of the field, they'll maintain own separation and pass behind you on approach to the heliport, runway 25, cleared to land"
QJE1745: "Runway 25, cleared to land, QJE1745"

YOE: "YOE, on the pad"

Helipad 1 is controlled by SY ADC and treated like a runway (landing clearances required). All other pads are outside Tower's jurisdiction and do not require a takeoff/landing clearance. Helicopters should be instructed to 'report on the ground' so the controller knows when they are no longer active in their airspace.

Maneuvering Area Responsibility

YSSY Maneuvering Area

Maneuvering Area

Standard Taxi Routes

Except when the traffic situation warrants, taxi clearances shall conform to the following diagram:

YSSY Taxi Route

Standard Taxi Routes


For aircraft taxiing northbound on B, consider instructing them to hold short of taxiway B8 when 34L or 16R are in use for arrivals, in order to separate from aircraft using the B7 & B9 rapid exits.

ERSA FAC YSSY noise abatement procedures require jet aircraft to depart runway 34L from full length only. This should be simulated where practical but intersection departures should be offered to jet aircraft on request where available.

Runway 16L/34R

When both ADC and SMC are online, SMC shall issue aircraft departing on runway 16L/34R with a taxi limit in accordance with the table below. When runway 34R is in use, ADC shall issue further taxi to the holding point, considering any conflict with arriving aircraft taxiing via U1 and L.

Departure Runway Taxi Limit
Runway 16L Holding point B10
Runway 34R Taxiway S


SY SMC: "VOZ853, taxi via Charlie, cross runway 25, hold short Sierra"
VOZ853: "Taxi via Charlie, cross runway 25, hold short Sierra, VOZ853"

VOZ853: "Sydney Tower, VOZ853, holding short Sierra, ready"
SY ADC: "VOZ853, Sydney Tower, give way to the inbound Jetstar A320, taxi to holding point Tango Six, runway 34R"

Aircraft landing on runway 16L/34R are expected to vacate the runway and taxi via the standard taxi routes to join taxiway Lima. If pilots are unfamiliar with local procedures, they should be instructed by ADC to taxi accordingly. Where possible, outbound aircraft should give way to inbound aircraft to avoid creating congestion at the runway exits.


SY ADC: "JAL52, taxi via Tango, Lima, on Lima contact Ground 121.7"

Transferring Between SMCs

When both SMC positions are online and an aircraft is to be passed from one to the other (e.g. an aircraft taxis from the domestic terminal for runway 34L), they should be instructed to hold short of runway 16R/34L and to contact the next SMC frequency.


SMC East: "JST412, cross runway 25, taxi via Lima, hold short runway 34L, on Lima contact ground 126.5"
JST412: "Cross runway 25, taxi via Lima, hold short runway 34L, contact ground 126.5, JST412"

JST412: "Sydney Ground, JST412, holding short runway 34L"
SMC West: "JST412, cross runway 34L, taxi to holding point Alpha Six"
JST412: "Cross runway 34L, taxi to holding point Alpha Six, JST412"

Generally, aircraft shall cross runway 16R/34L in the following directions at the following locations:

Location Direction of Taxi
Taxiway Golf Eastbound
Runway 25 Westbound
Taxiway Lima As required

Runway Modes

Preferred Runway Modes

Winds must always be considered for Runway modes (Crosswind <20kts, Tailwind <5kts), however the order of preference is as follows:

Priority - Mode Arrivals Departures
1 - SODPROPS 34L 16L
2 - 34 PROPS 34L & 34R 34L & 34R
2 - 16 PROPS 16L & 16R 16L & 16R
3 - 16D/07A 07 16L & 16R
3 - 25D/34A 34L & 34R 25
4 - 16D/25A 25 16L & 16R
5 - 07 07 07
5 - 25 25 25
*Curfew 34L 16R

*Permitted between the hours of 2300 and 0600 Local. If the pilot does not want to participate in curfew mode operations, the controller must accommodate this request.


In general, the SODPROPS, 16D/07A, and 25D/34A modes are most suitable for noise abatement. The PROPS modes are most suitable for higher capacity. Since for the most part, neither of these are a factor on VATSIM, it is up to you which runway mode you would like to operate, subject to winds. Consider favouring the higher capacity PROPS modes during busy times, such as events like Milk Run Monday or Panic Stations.


Take in to account an aircraft's weight when runways 16L/34R or 07/25 are in use. Heavier aircraft may operationally require the longer Runway 16R/34L, or pilots may prefer a departure from 16R instead of 16L so they have a shorter taxi. If in doubt, ask the pilot and try to be accommodating of these requests.


When using the SODPROPS mode, pass traffic information to aircraft that are departing and landing at the same time.


SY ADC: "JST521, traffic is a 737 on a 3nm final for the opposite direction parallel runway, runway 16L, cleared for takeoff"
JST521: "Runway 16L, cleared for takeoff, JST521"
SY ADC: "VOZ954, traffic is an A320 departing from the opposite direction parallel runway to the southeast, runway 34L, cleared to land"
VOZ954: "Runway 34L, cleared to land, VOZ954"

Heliport Responsibility

When runway 07 or 25 is in use for either arrivals or departures, the responsibility for management of the helicopter area and associated arriving and departing helicopters falls to ADC West. During all other runway modes, ADC East (if online) takes responsibility for the heliport.

Parallel Runway Operations

Refer to Parallel Runway Separation Standards for more information

Go-arounds / Missed Approaches

When operating under PROPS, go around headings shall diverge from the extended centreline of the parallel runway by at least 30°. Aircraft cleared the ILS or IVA may follow the published missed approach in order to meet this requirement.
Go arounds / missed approaches shall be coordinated with the SY TCU as per the standard procedure.

Runway Selection

Unless operationally required, aircraft shall be assigned the following runways for departure when PROPS are in progress:

Aircraft tracking Runway
via KADOM 16R/34L
Jets via WOL 16R/34R
Non-Jets via WOL 16R/34L
via RIC 16R/34L
via OLSEM 16L/34R
Other aircraft:
To the NORTH and EAST 16L/34R
To the SOUTH and WEST 16R/34L


During times of heavy traffic, it may be beneficial for ACD to balance the load between Runways 34L and 34R for domestic jet departures via WOL. Non-jet departures via WOL should still be processed on 34L. The same principle may be applied to the Runway 16 direction when the 16R holding points are becoming congested and a large amount of heavy, international aircraft are planned to depart during a given window.

Where the traffic levels are normal, preference should be given to departing aircraft in accordance with the runway selection table above.

SID Selection


A radar SID (e.g. SY (RADAR) SID) is distinct from a procedural SID with a RADAR transition (eg, RIC SID, RADAR transition). A radar SID can be identified in the DAPs as having a "(RADAR)" at the end of the name.

Type Via SID
FISHA SID, Relevant Transition
Jet All others FISHA SID, RADAR Transition
Type Via SID
KEVIN SID, Relevant Transition
Jet All others KEVIN SID, RADAR Transition
Type Via SID
GROOK SID, Relevant Transition
Jet All others GROOK SID, RADAR Transition
Type Via SID
Type Via SID
Jet RIC RIC SID, RIC Transition
Jet All others RIC SID, RADAR Transition
Type Via SID
Jet WOL MARUB SID, WOL Transition
Jet All others MARUB SID, RADAR Transition


Some jet aircraft may require the use of the RADAR SID and will communicate this requirement when requesting airways clearance (see Climb Gradient Requirements).

Climb Gradient Requirements

Climb gradient requirements apply to all Procedural SIDs. It is the pilot's responsibility to advise if they are unable to meet these requirements. Pilots that advise this shall be assigned the RADAR SID instead, regardless of aircraft type.


Approach Types

Cloud Base Visibility Approach
Below 2000FT or <5000M EXP INSTR APCH


Independent Visual Approaches (IVAs) may only be run during Parallel Runway Operations (PROPS). During single runway operations, regular visual approaches (blank ATIS 'APCH' field) should be used instead.

When Independent Visual Approaches are run during PROPS, the APCH field must also include DO NOT PASS THRU ASSIGNED RWY CL.

Operational Info

The Operational Information field should be updated based on the runway mode and approach type in use, as per the table below:

Condition OPR INFO Field


INDEP PARL DEPS IN PROG permits independent departures (two simultaneous departures on parallel runways) but NOT independent approaches (two simultaneous arrivals on parallel runways without perscribed separation minima).

When Coordinator is online, the ATIS OPR INFO shall include WHEN READY FOR PUSH BACK OR TAXI CTC COORDINATOR 127.6.

When Coordinator is online and start approval is required, the ATIS OPR INFO shall include START APPROVAL RQ. WHEN READY FOR PUSH BACK OR ENGINE START, CTC SYDNEY COORDINATOR ON FREQ 127.6, FOR START TIME.


IVAs on the ATIS

Sydney Coordinator

Sydney Coordinator is activated to reduce frequency congestion on SMC and ensure compliance with pre-determined slot times. The position is only beneficial with large amounts of traffic and when performed carefully and deliberately. When Coordinator is online, all departures are first directed to them prior to monitoring SMC, thus reducing one radio call per aircraft on the SMC frequency.


Sydney Coordinator is a non-standard position which may only be used in accordance with VATPAC Air Traffic Services Policy.


The responsibilities of Sydney Coordinator may be delegated to ACD when there is high SMC workload but no seperate Coordinator controller available. This should be reflected in the ATIS accordingly.

To open Coordinator:

  1. SMC and COORD coordinate to implement the procedure.
  2. SMC coordinates with ADC in order to have the ATIS updated to include WHEN READY FOR PUSH BACK OR TAXI CTC COORDINATOR 127.6.
  3. ACD places the MONITOR GROUND bar in the Cleared Bay in OzStrips.

To operate with Coordinator open:

  1. When ACD has finished issuing an airways clearance, they will handoff pilots to Coordinator using "contact Coordinator 127.6 for pushback" OR remind pilots to "contact me when ready for pushback" (during combined ACD and COORD).
  2. When a pilot requests pushback, COORD will assess their priority based on apron congestion and number of aircraft in the queue (see Queue Management).
  3. COORD will either instruct them to monitor (not contact) SMC, or remain on the Coordinator frequency if a delay is required.
  4. If an aircraft is instructed to monitor SMC, COORD will move the strip below the Monitor Ground bar in the Queue section of the Cleared Bay in OzStrips, to denote they are awaiting pushback approval.
  5. When SMC has adequate space on the aprons, taxiways, and holding point, they will issue pushback/taxi to the next aircraft in line by scanning the Cleared Queue bay.

The decision whether or not to send an aircraft to SMC or hold them on the Coordinator frequency should be made in accordance with the Queue Management techniques.


Remember that the bottom aircraft represents the front of the queue.


If SMC needs to reduce the pushback rate due to congestion at the holding points or excessive workload, Coordinator should be informed without delay, and instructed to hold all departures on their frequency. This will stop aircraft being told to monitor the SMC frequency. Remember to cancel this requirement when congestion eases.


VOZ543: "Sydney Delivery, VOZ543, PDC read back"
SY ACD: "VOZ543, Sydney Delivery"
VOZ543: "Runway 34R, OLSEM1 departure, squawk 1336, bay 33, VOZ543"
SY ACD: "VOZ543, contact Coordinator 127.6 for pushback"
VOZ543: "127.6 for push, VOZ543"
VOZ543: "Sydney Coordinator, VOZ543, bay 33, request pushback"
SY COORD: "VOZ543, monitor ground 121.7"
VOZ543: "Monitor 121.7, VOZ543"
SY SMC: "VOZ543, Sydney Ground, pushback approved."

If a delay is required prior to transferring an aircraft to SMC, provide an estimated delay value to the pilot or advise them of their position in the queue.


VOZ543: "Sydney Coordinator, VOZ543, bay 33, request pushback"
SY COORD: "VOZ543, estimated delay 10 minutes, remain this frequency."

Queue Management

To reduce SMC workload, ACD should not allow more than three aircraft to be awaiting pushback or taxi on the SMC frequency. When three aircraft are already queued on the SMC frequency, any additional aircraft should be told to remain on the ACD frequency and informed of their position in the queue or approximate delay (if known). These aircraft should be placed in the Cleared Bay Queue, above the Monitor Ground bar.

Coordinator Ops with OzStrips

Coordinator Ops with OzStrips
Three aircraft are monitoring SMC (below the Queue bar), and QFA121 and RXA6416 have both requested push/taxi but are being held on the Coordinator frequency. QFA121 is closer to the bottom, so will be next to be told to monitor SMC.

When SMC moves an aircraft from below the Monitor Ground bar to the Pushback Bay, Coordinator should instruct the next aircraft in line to monitor the SMC frequency (and move the strip appropriately).


Strips must remain in the strip bay of their current state, even if they are in a queue. For example, if they have received an airways clearance and are in the queue for pushback, they must remain in the Cleared Bay, not the Pushback Bay.

Start Approval

When delays for taxi are excessive (e.g. 15–30 minutes), it may be necessary to include the following ATIS OPR INFO: START APPROVAL RQ. WHEN READY FOR PUSH BACK OR ENGINE START, CTC SYDNEY COORDINATOR ON FREQ 127.6, FOR START TIME. This will ensure aircraft don't end up burning considerable amounts of fuel and potentially disrupting the latter parts of the flight (with insufficient fuel for lengthy en-route sequencing or holds).

With start approvals in operation, aircraft who do not require pushback will contact Coordinator prior to starting. Coordinator should issue an estimated start time to the aircraft, and contact them when they reach the front of the queue to provide start approval. Aircraft are still expected to report ready to taxi to Coordinator, who will follow the procedure above and tell them to monitor the SMC frequency.

COBT Slot Times

During busy events, VATPAC may utilise prebooked slots to manage traffic congestion. Aircraft which are compliant with their booked slot time should be prioritised over aircraft who are non-compliant or do not have a slot.

COBT Slot Time

COBT Slot Time


Auto Release


YSSY utilises auto release for all Procedural SIDs (except ABBEY SID during SODPROPS), and the SY (RADAR) SID provided aircraft are assigned the standard assignable level and a Standard Assignable Heading.

Next coordination is not required for aircraft that are:

  • Departing from a runway nominated on the ATIS; and
  • Assigned the Standard assignable level; and
  • Assigned a Procedural SID (except ABBEY SID); or
  • Assigned the Radar SID with a Standard Assignable Heading

All other aircraft require a 'Next' call to SY TCU.

'Next' coordination is additionally required for:

  • Visual departures
  • Departures to YSBK
  • After a go around, the next departure from that runway
  • Jets departing 16L via WOL
  • All aircraft during the Curfew Runway Mode

The Standard Assignable level from SY ADC to SY TCU is:

Aircraft Level
Jets A050
Non-Jets The lower of A030 and RFL

Departures Controller

Refer to Sydney TCU Airspace Division for information on airspace divisions when SDN and/or SDS are online.

Standard Assignable Departure Headings

Aircraft that have been cleared the SY (RADAR) SID must receive an assigned heading with their line up or takeoff clearance. 'Next' coordination is not required to the SY TCU controller when the departing aircraft has been assigned the standard assignable level and assigned one of the headings listed below:

Runway Jet Non-Jet
07 070 020, 110
16L 125 125 (RWY 25 in use), 090 (RWY 25 not in use)
16R 170 210
25 300, 240 020, 210, 240
34L 290 230
34R 030, 070 350


If strong winds are present at altitude, ADC/DEP should discuss slight changes to these headings (+/- 5 degrees) to compensate for large crosswind components.

Between ADC and SMC

Inactive Runway Releases

SY ADC has responsibility of all runways, requiring SY SMC to coordinate with SY ADC to allow aircraft to cross runways whilst taxiing. SY SMC may request, or SY ADC may elect, to release certain runways to the SY SMC controller, so they may let aircraft cross the runway without coordination (for example, releasing runway 07/25 to SY SMC whilst PROPS are in progress.) This release may also be cancelled at the controller's discretion.


The controller assuming responsibility of SY ACD shall give heads-up coordination to the relevant SY TCU controller prior to the issue of the following clearances:

  • VFR departures, other than helicopters assigned a helicopter route coded clearance
  • Aircraft using a runway not on the ATIS