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6. Brisbane (YBBN)

Runway Modes


Airspace Division

Non-Standard airspace division will be in use.

The red line represents the STARs to the arrival runways.
The solid green line represents the SID to SANEG.
The dashed green line represents the suggested vectors for 01L Departures.

01 PROPS Airspace Division

01 PROPS Airspace Division

01L will be the primary runway for arrivals.
01R will be the primary runway for departures.

01L Departures

Departures from Runway 01L will be assigned the BN4 SID with an assigned heading of H340.
Aircraft must then be vectored to the east, then assigned a heading of H180 when clear of 01R Departures.
Aircraft may be handed off to GOL on this heading.


Airspace Division

Non-Standard airspace division will be in use.

The red line represents the STARs to the arrival runways.
The dashed green lines represents the suggested vectors for Departures.

19 PROPS Airspace Division

19 PROPS Airspace Division

19L will be the primary runway for arrivals.
19R will be the primary runway for departures.

19L Departures

Departures from Runway 19L will be assigned the BN4 SID with an assigned heading of H160.
Aircraft may be handed off to GOL on this heading.

19R Departures

Departures from Runway 19R will be assigned the BN4 SID with an assigned heading of H210.
Aircraft may be cleared DCT SANEG when clear of 19L Departures.

Approach Expectation

All arrivals will be cleared for the Approach type indicated on the ATIS.

Independent Visual Approaches

Although not used at YBBN normally, IVAs can be expected to be in use for WorldFlight, to facilitate the high volume of traffic for both runways.

Aircraft must report both visual, and runway in sight in order to be cleared for an IVA (Runway in Sight implies Visual).


The Label Data Annotations for these are V and R, respectively

Ensure you familiarise yourself with the applicable Separation Standards

Pass Traffic Information on aircraft that will come within 1.5nm of each other on parallel approaches.


BAN: "UAL8317, Traffic is an A320 at your 2 o'clock for the parallel runway"

19R Arrivals

Runway 19R Arrivals will be assigned the Xray STAR. The preferred approach type will be the Independent Visual Approach, however if weather does not permit this:

  • Aircraft that can accept the RNP X Approach will be cleared for it; or
  • Aircraft that cannot accept the RNP X Approach, will be cleared LUVNA DCT SABKO for the ILS Approach.

Sector Distribution

In order to balance workload effectively, it is recommended to distribute responsibility for the Brisbane TCU sectors accordingly (BAC not included):

Two Controllers Online

  • BAS and BAN combined
  • BDS and BDN combined
  • No BFL

Three Controllers Online

  • BAS and BAN combined
  • BDS and BDN combined
  • BFL on its own

Four Controllers Online

  • BAS on its own
  • BAN on its own
  • BDS and BDN combined
  • BFL on its own


BFL will formulate the sequence in accordance with the Flow Times below. Ensure that event traffic gets priority over non-event traffic.

BFL will construct the sequence via the Arrivals List Window.

Appropriate annotations for the Arrivals List Window can be found here.


The times below indicate the number of minutes from the Feeder Fix to the Runway Threshold on the appropriate STAR.

FF Runway Time
SMOKA 01L 16
SMOKA 19L 14
ENLIP 01R 11
ENLIP 19R 16

Subtract 1 minute if assigned MX or CSR.


BUR will instruct all arrivals to cross SMOKA and ENLIP at 250 knots, then published STAR speeds.



Auto Release

Available for aircraft assigned A060, and:

Runway SID Assigned Heading
01L BN4 H340
01R SANEG1 -
19L BN4 H160
19R BN4 H210


Voiceless for all aircraft:

  • Assigned the lower of F180 or the RFL; and
  • Tracking via SANEG; or
  • East of SANEG, Assigned a Heading between H180-H160.

All other aircraft going to GOL CTA will be Heads-up Coordinated.


Voiceless for all aircraft:

  • With ADES YBBN; and
  • Assigned A090; and
  • Assigned any of the following:
STAR Runway DCT Tracking available
SMOKA1A 01L None
SMOKA1A 19L None

All other aircraft coming from BUR/DOS CTA will be Heads-up Coordinated to BN TCU prior to 20nm from the boundary.

Between BUR/KPL and BFL

BFL must voice coordinate any changes to instructions after BUR/KPL has put a < on it.

BFL must voice coordinate to KPL/BUR any aircraft that must be rerouted via ENLIP for 01R/19R.


BFL -> KPL: "PAA001 via ENLIP for 01R please"
KPL -> BFL: "PAA001 via ENLIP for 01R, will be"

BUR/KPL must voice coordinate any requests for Track Shortening, CSR, or Different STARs, to BFL.