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Aerodrome Control


The job of the ACD controller during Milk Run is a fairly straight-forward one, however there are a couple of things to be mindful of.

Ensure that all flight plans are correct, nothing like DOSEL DCT RIVET, GPS DIRECT, or anything else unusual like that, just stick to the pre-approved Jet and Non-Jet routes. This helps reduce workload on Enroute controllers down the line.

16 Off Mode Departures at YMML

A Reminder that Off Mode Departures from Runway 16 to the North East and West during the 16A27D Runway Mode must be assigned the ISPEG SID, NOT the DOSEL SID. The ISPEG SID deconflicts concurrent 16 and 27 departures, whereas the DOSEL SID does not.

ACD/Coordinator Pushback Requests

Specific procedures apply to the use of Pushback Requests on ACD at YMML and Coordinator at YSSY. Ensure that all relevant controllers are following these procedures accurately.


Standard Taxi Routes

YSSY and YMML both have Published Standard Taxi Routes that can be used to facilitate the orderly flow of traffic on the ground, but this does not preclude the SMC controller from using alternate routing if they deem it neccessary.


When giving taxi clearance, the SMC controller shall consider holding aircraft short of taxiways when in a long queue for a holding point, so that blockages are not caused on crossing taxiways. The Hotspots to pay the most attention to are circled below

YMML Taxiway Hotspots

YMML Taxiway Hotspots

YSSY Taxiway Hotspots

YSSY Taxiway Hotspots

Protecting Runway Exits

Arriving aircraft should hold short of any crossing taxiways upon exiting the runway, but that doesn't mean they always will! Hold short instructions should be used to protect exit taxiways where practical.


In order to protect common Runway Exit Taxiways, Consider instructing aircraft taxiing:
- Northbound on Taxiway V, to Hold Short of Taxiways F and E
- Southbound on Taxiway V, to Hold Short of Taxiways G and J


In order to protect common Runway Exit Taxiways, Consider instructing aircraft taxiing:
- Northbound on Taxiway B, to Hold Short of Taxiway B8
- Southbound on Taxiway A, to Hold Short of Runway 25 (34 in use), or avoid Taxiway A if an aircraft is landing on Runway 16R and will be vacating to the right (16 in use)


Utilising these hold short instructions also opens up the availability of taxiways J and Y as alternative taxi routes on the International terminal side

ACD/Coordinator Pushback Requests

Specific procedures apply to the use of Pushback Requests on ACD at YMML and Coordinator at YSSY. Ensure that all relevant controllers are following these procedures accurately.


Runway Modes

Careful selection of the duty runway at an aerodrome is important to ensure safe, expeditious traffic flow. When considering runway configuration, be mindful of the following operational considerations:

  1. Wind direction and speed
  2. SOP-dictated preferred runway modes
  3. Traffic flow and efficiency

Runway Modes should be selected for maximum aircraft movements, if the winds permit. That is:
- at YSSY:
      - 16 PROPS; or
      - 34 PROPS
- at YMML:
      - 27AD34D; or
      - 16A27D; or
      - 09A16D


For dry runways, the crosswind limitation is 20kt, and the tailwind limitation is 5kt. For wet runways, no tailwind component is permitted. Remember these limitations in selecting the runway mode which is best optimised and works within these limitations

Non-Standard Runway Modes

The usage of non-standard runway modes is strongly not recommended, unless approved by a Senior Controller for use in major events. Non-Standard runway modes can cause unintended conflicts in TCU and Enroute airspace that may only slightly reduce an ADC controller's workload, but dramatically increase that of the affected TCU or Enroute controller.


At YMML, one of the Preferred Runway Modes is 16A27D. If ADC were to add 16 as a departure runway (16AD27D), this may allow them to get more aircraft to depart. However, Subsequent departures from Runway 16, then via 27, both assigned a DOSEL SID, would be pointed directly at each other in TCU airspace, with no separation assurance. This creates a high workload environment for the TCU controller.

Approach Types

At YMML, the approach type in use has neglible affect on the traffic flow.

However, at YSSY, the use of Instrument Approaches vs Independent Visual Approaches during Parallel Runway operations has a big effect on the workload of the Sydney TCU controller, and how close they can run aircraft together on parallel runways. Refer to YSSY Approach Types for more information.

Runway Changes

Refer to Runway Management SOPs for advice on limiting Runway Mode changes during busy events.

Departure Spacing

ADC should be aiming for 90 second spacing between subsequent departures in the same direction (Obviously for Milk Run, almost all departures will be going the same way). Ensure that Wake Turbulence Separation is applied when the lead aircraft is of a heavier Wake Turbulence category than the following aircraft. It does not need to be applied between two aircraft of the same Wake Turbulence category.

Line Up

It is best practice for ADC to line-up aircraft on the runway as soon as possible, ie, as soon as the landing aircraft has passed them, or as soon as the departing aircraft has started to roll. This minimises time spent waiting for aircraft to taxi in to position, and potentially cause gaps in the sequence and/or go-arounds.


Appending the phrase "Be ready immediate" to the end of a line up instruction can ensure the pilot has all checklists completed, and is ready to commence takeoff roll as soon as the clearance is given. This reduces airborne delays, and potential go-around situations