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Here is a complete list of standard annotations controllers should be entering into FDRs or onto strips to ensure surrounding controllers are aware of aircrafts intended and/or planned movements/actions.


Information Meaning and Usage Example
Four-figure time group Expected or actual time of occurrences 0955
Two-figure time group Expected or actual time of occurrences
Note: Use when there is no possibility of confusion.

Route and Positions

Information Meaning and Usage Example
Location indicator Four-letter ICAO designator.
Note: can be reduced if unlikely to cause confusion.
Waypoint name Five-letter designator
Note: can be reduced if unlikely to cause confusion.
Place-brearing-distance locations Position expressed as a bearing and distance from a datum.
ie: SY DME, R335, 45 NM
Amended route When assigned a route that differs to that planned AR
Assigned Heading H(heading) H350
Track Extended Centreline TEC
Maintain runway heading Surveillance environment only MR

Requests, Requirements and Restrictions

Information Meaning and Usage Example
Request R(request) R30L
Unrestricted Aircraft may climb to the standard assignable level U
No restrictions Changes to both lateral and vertical clearances permitted without further coordination NR
No lateral restrictions Changes to only lateral clearances permitted without further coordiantion NLR
No vertical restrictions Changes to only vertical clearance permitted without further coordination NVR
No restrictions on descent Aircraft may continue descent without further coordination NRD
No restrictions on climb Aircraft may continue climb without further coordination NRC
Reach by X(position) X20BN
Reach level by R(level)X(position or time) R280XBANDA
Reach level by distance before position R(level)X(distance)(position) R370X20LHI
Note: distance before position
Reach level by distance after position R(level)X(position)(distance) R250XSY65
Note: distance after position
Reach level by time R(level)X(time) R370X50

Approaches, Arrivals and Departures

Information Meaning and Usage Example
Visual approach VSA
DME arrival DME
GNSS arrival GNSS
TACAN approach TAC
NDB approach NDB
RNAV approach RNAV
RNP approach RNP
VOR approach VOR
ILS approach ILS

Speed Control

Information Meaning and Usage Example
Sector assigned indicated airspeed Controller-issued speed instruction S280
Pilot reported indicated airspeed No speed instruction given 280K
Sector assigned Mach number Controller-issued speed instruction M78
Pilot reported Mach number No speed instruction given .78
Maintain given speed or greater (Speed)G M78G
Maintain given speed or less (Speed)L M78L
Cruise speed Recording cruise speed where profile speed applies for descent M74/P
Cruise and descent speed (speed on cruise)/(speed on descent) M80/300
Mach reduction on cruise MR(difference) MR04
Mach reduction on cruise and descent speed MR(difference)/(descent speed) MR04/240
Maintain minimum speed MIN
Maintain maximum speed Also cancels all speed restrictions MX
Cancel all speed restrictions CSR


Information Meaning and Usage Example
Feeder fix time, and 250kts from FF F(time) F37
250kts from FF F F
Issued instruction (instruction)< F<
Projected landing time L(time) L06
Projected landing time with delay L(time)/(time after delay) L06/09
Stream to Follow (10nm / 2mins) F/(Callsign) F/QFA462
Hold at position H/(position) H/SHARK
Hold at position with stack departure time H/(position)/(time) H/CANTY/33
Descend at minimum speed MIN
Descend at maximum speed Also cancels all speed restrictions MX
Cancel all speed restrictions CSR


Information Meaning and Usage Example
Surveillance Information Service Aircraft receiving service (Flight Following) SIS
Coordinated Item C(information) C380
Information/instruction yet to be issued Outstanding instruction/action, followed by a period.
Remove period once action is completed
Clearance issued to an aircraft prior to 10nm from the lateral CTA boundary >
No IFR Traffic NIT
Cancel SARWATCH IFR aircraft cancelled SARWATCH prior to circuit area or destination ETA CSW
QNH issued (en route traffic is altimeter setting region) Q(final 2-digit value) Q15
Cancel SID/STAR level restrictions NHR
No STAR (or cancel STAR) NS
Aircraft has reported Visual V
Aircraft has reported Runway in Sight R

Less commonly used

Information Meaning and Usage Example
Not before NB(time) NB1035
Not after NA(time) NA1035
Distance left or right of track (distance) [LOT/ROT] 30 LOT
Enter lateral conflict ELC/(time/position) ELC/15
Leaves lateral conflict LLC/(time)(position) LLC/190SY
Clearance limit F/(position) F/YMAV
Sight and pass S+P/(callsign) S+P/EDM
Sight and follow S+F/(callsign) S+F/VOZ882
Calculated time of passing TP(time) TP0835
At @
VFR-on-top VT
Arriving at procedural tower aerodrome Include estimate for destination navaid, track in, assigned level (if not standard assignable) and sequence number.
L(time) (track) (level) (number)
L49 038 120 3
Hold at normal position with stack departure time H/(time) H/06
LAHSO approved LA
Passive LAHSO only PL
Negative LAHSO XX
Hold at normal position H
Stream to follow by distance F/(preceding aircraft)+(distance) F/TFD+18
Visual departure VSD
Expected approach time EAT(time) EAT23
Expected onwards clearance time EOC(time) EOC46
Stack departure time SDT(time) SDT52
Latest divert time LDT(time) LDT56
Distance between two aircraft subject to a longitudinal distance standard Record the source of information as "D" for DME, "G" for GNSS or "R" for RNAV/SCNS. Record the time of the report.
Distance report (distance)(reference point) 30LT
Climb straight ahead Non-surveillance environment CSA
Left turn L(heading) L240
Right turn R(heading) R020
Aircraft level Two- or three-figure group
Record levels of 1000ft or higher as multiples of 100ft
Record levels less than 1000ft as a two-didget group beginning with zero.
A01 (100ft)
Above Ground Level (level)AGL 200AGL
Maintain initial level Departure Instructions
Assigned visual level V(level) V70
Assigned level not below DME or GNSS steps (level)D/(level)G 30D/30G
Amended level AL350
VFR departure (level)VD 15VD
Special VFR (level)SV 15SV
VFR-on-top (level)VT A080 VT
Re-cleared RC
Flight planned route FPR
Abeam A/(position) A/MDG
Dead reckoning DR
Pilot Estimate (position)(time) UVUPU0702